What Is a Legacy Donation?

The Gabriel Chamber Ensemble, a non-profit organization, is sponsored by grants from the Pennsylvania Council on the Arts, Isabelle Ross Mettam Performing Arts Fund, Schuylkill Area Community Foundation, Morgan Trust, M&T Foundation, and Snayberger Foundation.

Your tax-deductible contributions are important for our continued growth. Show your support by becoming a donor and you’ll receive extra benefits all season long.


Thank you for supporting the Gabriel Chamber Ensemble (GCE). Through your attendance at the concerts and prior contributions, you have supported our mission of bringing chamber music to life.

Did you know you can create a legacy that will support the work of the Gabriel Chamber Ensemble in the future? You can, in several simple ways. You may direct your gift to be used immediately by GCE in its work or it can be placed into an endowment fund that is managed by Schuylkill Area Community Foundation. The annual earnings of the endowment are distributed to the organization and used at the discretion of the Board of Directors at GCE.

Including a charitable request in your will is a simple way to make a lasting gift. Your attorney can add language to your will to describe your intent. Basically there are three choices: (1) give a specific dollar amount; (2) give a percentage of the residuary estate; or (3) give all the rest, residue and remainder of my estate.

If your gift is to be used immediately, you can use the following language:

  • “I give and bequeath to the Gabriel Chamber Ensemble, a Pennsylvania non-profit corporation, (insert your choice) for the general use of that corporation as determined by its Board of Directors.”
  • If your gift is to be given to the endowment fund, then you can use the following language: “I give and bequeath to the Schuylkill Area Community Foundation for addition to the Gabriel Chamber Ensemble Fund (insert your choice).”

Another option is to designate the Gabriel Chamber Ensemble as the beneficiary of your entire life insurance policy or as the beneficiary of a percentage of your life insurance policy. You have the option to designate the gift to be used immediately or to be placed in the Gabriel Chamber Ensemble Endowment Fund at the Schuylkill Area Community Foundation. Contact your life insurance agent or your attorney to help you complete a beneficiary designation form which is then submitted to your insurance company.

IRA and Qualified Retirement Plans. – For many people, this is the largest asset they will own at the time of their death. It is also the most heavily taxed asset if it is transferred to anyone other than a spouse or charitable organization such as GCE. You can avoid the heavy tax burden by giving all or part of the asset to GCE by naming it as a beneficiary. Contact your trustee, plan administrator or attorney to help you complete a beneficiary designation form. As with life insurance, you can designate your gift to be used immediately or placed into the endowment fund.

We would be happy to consult with you and your advisors about the possibility of creating a legacy for the GCE. Call or email Agnès Maurer, Executive Director, for more information.

Contact Us:

Gabriel Chamber Ensemble
PO Box 36
Orwigsburg PA 17961

Make checks payable to: “G.C.E.”

G.C.E. is a non profit 501(c)3 organization.

All donations are tax deductible.

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